Converting to Hexo

It is not an easy job to bring back data from Lofter as well as from some other blogs. It is much more difficult to weigh between different static blog generators and pick one that best suits my own preferences.

I happened to take Hexo over Wordpress after determining that I would leave Lofter. Hexo is not a compliant horse, but Wordpress looks more clumsy, powerful though. Hexo is renowed for its speed, but when challenged by Hugo, it is doomed. For this reason, and considering Hugo’s convenience in terms of its dependencies, I converted all my posts to Hugo’s TOML format.

Hugo is really fast. Speedy because of the Go language, it completes any job in almost a blink! The only con lies in that it is not as much customizable as Hexo. Well, then, the two sides of a coin, love the positive side, swallow the negative side.


Updated: May 11, 2018

The negative side tastes bitter, and I do have not much time for playing with it.

There are finally a few reasons that drove me to turn to Hexo as my blog framework. One of the major reasons is that this static blog generator application has been equipped with a fancy theme kit called NexT[1], which is developed by IIssNan by accident[2] but is overwhelmingly robust and flexible, easily adaptive and well suited to personal and even corporate needs. The second reason is that Hexo enjoys a very active ecosystem, many developers and users contributing to its growth. Diversity, if I may call it, is useful when one user encounters a problem, and the user can easily find help and address the problem[3] even if the problem is rarely mentioned by the official documents.

  1. URL is originally located at, which is now not maintained, and has migrated to an independent site. ↩︎

  2. Here you’ll find IIssNan’s original post at ↩︎

  3. For instance, this post retrieved me from a long time struggle of producing my blog’s category section. ↩︎